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Create a assessment template
Mo avatar
Written by Mo
Updated over 3 years ago

On Gymkee, you will be able to manage your clients' assessments in order to have a precise view of their progress.

You'll be able to ask for:

  • Before and after photos

  • Their measurements

  • Their weight

  • Your own personalized questions

To create your first report, go to " Checkup Templates ".

Once on it, you just have to click on the "Create a new template" button at the top right.

You can now start creating your first assessment template.

The first section allows you to give it a name & description to help your clients see it more clearly.

In the second section you will be able to ask for the measurements to be completed for this assessment.

We have added a maximum of default measurements and you will also have the possibility of adding your own measurements to personalize your assessments.

In the 3rd section you will be able to request progress photos from your clients. At the moment you can only request Front, Profile & Back photos.

Soon you will be able to request more photos.

The 4th and last section is for questions you can ask your clients to evaluate their motivation, fitness, mental health etc...
We put you by default some questions and you will be able, as for the measurements, to personalize your questions and the type of answer you expect.

Once your assessment has been created, you will be able to find it at the bottom of your template list.

Now you know how to create assessments and customize it for your clients.

You can take a look at our article right here which will show you how to assign a checkup to 1 or more of your clients:
โ€‹๐Ÿ‘‰ Assign a checkup to 1 or more clients
If you need anything, feel free to contact us via the internal app chat on the bottom right ๐Ÿ˜‰

Good coaching & take care of yourself โค๏ธ


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