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Client workouts tracking

Access your clients' workouts history

Mohamed avatar
Written by Mohamed
Updated over a week ago

On Gymkee, every action made by your client is logged somewhere so that you can provide the best possible coaching.

You will be able to access each of your clients' workouts to check if everything went well and adjust your programs.

For that, you just have to go to your client's profile.

The training history is the first thing you'll see when you arrive on your client's profile.

You will be able to filter the workouts by "Date" and by "Status".

There are 3 types of workout statuses on Gymkee:

  • The missed workouts ❌

  • The scheduled workouts 🔜

  • The completed workouts ✅

To view a workout, just click on "See the workout".

Dans le récap. des séances, tu vas pouvoir avoir accès à plusieurs informations :

  • Un résumé rapide de la séance

  • Le retour de fin de séance de ton client

  • Les données complètes de la séance, exercice par exercice

Voilà, tu sais maintenant comment accéder aux séances de tes clients pour optimiser ton coaching sportif!

Si tu as besoin de quoi que ce soit, n'hésite pas à nous contacter via le chat interne de l'application qui se trouve en bas à droite. 😉

Bons coachings & prends soin de toi ❤️

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