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Remove a client

How to remove a client from Gymkee?

Mo avatar
Written by Mo
Updated over a week ago

You don't train a client anymore and you want to delete him? You will be able to do it in a few seconds with the help of this article.

Before you do, are you sure you want to delete your client?

You risk losing all his data related to his training, measurements, assessments and other statistics.

If it's a temporary break in training for X or Y reason, you have the option of putting your client on "pause" instead of removing him.

You can read our article on how to do this right here:

Si tu es sûr de vouloir supprimer définitivement ton client, voici comment faire:

The first thing to do is to go to the "Clients" category

Then click on the client you want to delete and go to "Settings".

Si tu souhaites le rendre "Inactif" seulement, tu vas pouvoir décocher le bouton "Actif".

Otherwise, to delete your client, click on the "I don't coach X anymore" button

Confirm by clicking on the "Confirm" button to finalize the deletion of your client.

Your client is now removed from Gymkee and will no longer have access the app.

If you want to add this client back, you will have to start the process from scratch and invite him/her back.

If you need anything, don't hesitate to contact us via the in-app chat on the bottom right 😉

Have great trainings & take care of yourself ❤️

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